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Self- Awareness of Counselors in Training: A Quantitative Research

April 11, 2022

When a counselor-in-training takes the time to address personal biases, hidden trauma, and to acknowledge personal growth, it can help the counselor-in-training identify their counselor identity. A momentous part of being a counselor is being a service to other people. The purposes of this study are to describe Black students’ self-awareness development in counselor preparation programs, explore the ways counseling preparation programs may be a contributing factor, and to determine the impact being in a pandemic had on self-awareness. The research question is: How do counselor preparation programs affect the development of self-awareness? This research was facilitated by administering a survey to students at FAMU, an HBCU, and at FSU, a PWI, Counselor Education programs. The student & #39; results will be compared across institutions. 33 students are enrolled at FAMU and 103 students are enrolled at FSU. Of the 136 students invited to take part in the survey, 34 students responded. Demographic questions were asked in the survey. Participants received an email asking that they take part in an anonymous survey. The results of the study will be provided to the two counselor education programs to disseminate as they see fit. The strengths of this study are the students would have to have taken at least one semester of classes. Another strength is using two different educational institutions. The weaknesses of this study are that this study is non-standardized and the study focuses on attitudinal changes. Because “[t]here is currently a dearth of tools available to measure professional attitudes in master & #39;s-level counseling students; therefore, development of reliable and valid instruments in this area is needed” (Collins, Lee, Pieterse, & Ritmeester, 2013, p. 64).

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