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Bdn events.

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BDN National Conference

The BDN national conference brings together world renowned and emergent scholars and professionals from the social sciences, STEM and humanities and is a resource, a support system, as a space of intellectual exchange, and a place to create connections and develop impactful collaborations. REGISTER ONLINE:

Recruitment and Resource Fair

BDN brings together recruiters and highly qualified candidates in one place. This exciting event allows representatives of universities and companies from across the country to do one-on-one, recruiting. If you are looking for an addition to your campus or considering the place where your career will flourish, don’t miss the next the BDN recruitment fair.

Western Regional Conference

Given the strain for resources as well as talent, there is a critical need for organizations to be evaluated in order to assess their cultural ecosystem. BDN doctorates have the ability to maintain a heightened level of conscientiousness and meta-cognition skills to assess the degree to which current programs and initiatives actually reflect the mission and vision of corporations. BDN doctorates are able to develop and execute sophisticated program evaluations to assist company leaders in making critical decisions.

Doctoral & Grad

Student Meet and Greet

The academy is too often isolating and individualistic. All work and no play makes for a long and boring career. BDN schedules meet and greet across the country with the help of our members. These are dates and times that we set aside for scholars to de-stress, relax, and put their minds at ease. These meetings serve one primary goal: To have fun!

Learn more about our upcoming events.
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